Here is a brief, certainly not all inclusive list of things you must keep in mind when considering your total SEO presence and strategy:
- Domain name
- Length of time you've owned the domain
- Was the domain owned before you owned it
- What neighborhood is your domain in
- What neighborhoods are the sites linking to your domain in
- How many hops from a search engine data center is your hosting provider (little known indexing factor)
- The length of time you have your TTL (Time to Live) set for
- What type of web server you're using and its URI re-writing capacities
- The type of coding performed on your pages (Clean code, spaghetti code)
- Speed of your page loads - which now implores you to specify height and width attributes to all your images for faster downloads
- Type of CMS (if any) and the types of URI strings it produces
- Do you use session IDs
- Etc.
So next time your thinking of having some optimization done, remember that you can't just play "tag" and go. You have to get more technical than that.