Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Facebook Functionality: Facebook Questions

Part of a series of rollouts that Facebook is making involves something that is, in my opinion, quite cool (but I haven't found anything online marketing that isn't cool). Currently in beta, Facebook is launching a tab called "Questions" which allows you to directly ask Yes/No questions on your page. Also by hovering over each question, you can see how many votes are for each answer. Here is how a question will look on your Wall:

Be sure you're logged into Facebook first and then go to . Once there you will be presented with a green button which will autoinstall the application into your account to then use.

What I like about this application are basically 2 things. 1) Extremely easy to install and 2) Increases the amount of interactions I will be able to have. Interactions = increased social media experience which will open up other doors like better search results in the future.