Friday, November 2, 2012

Understanding a Customer’s Mobile Experience

Many of us continue to hear about the necessity of having our business accessible via mobile. What does that mean exactly? Can we just duplicate what’s working on the web to mobile?

A mobile experience is vastly different from a web experience. Think about how many times you visit a website on the web to only be frustrated by the usability of the site. Imagine how that experience translates to mobile. Businesses must see the two experiences as polarizing forms of interaction.

With mobile, you must pay close attention to how a message will be consumed. For instance, will deals be delivered to a customer’s mobile device when they check into your store? Are they receiving your message at home or work?

To ensure a positive impact on a customer’s experience with your brand, embrace the various ways they will interact with your business. Be sure to craft your mobile marketing messages based on how they will consume them.

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Image credit: adactio