Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Does social networking really pay off?

It absolutely does!  But like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it.  In fact, it's an area of specialization when it comes to Internet Marketing.  You can spend 100% of your marketing efforts on working forums and social networking sites, and that's what many people do.  It's a good idea to get good at it!

By the way, never, Ever, EVER combine your personal social networking profiles with your business activities.  On Facebook, for example, that will lead to your friends and family unwittingly 'friending' network marketing people who will then deluge them with daily offers and other incredibly annoying messages.  If you make a social networking profile, make it for your personal (i.e. real life) self - OR - for your business (i.e. internet marketing) self.  Don't ever combine them!

Anyway, on this subject, I am going to recommend a site other than the obvious choice of Facebook (which is superb, by the way).  If you are a Team OceanSwell member, then you've seen this before.  But I seriously recommend MyNetworkworking Pro if you want to go all-out when it comes to social networking in order to gain fresh affiliate referrals.  They used to be called 'DirectMatches', but that doesn't matter.  In my humble opinion, this is the thicket in which to test your strength if you are really and truly hungry for success.  This place is nothing but Internet Marketers marketing to each other.  It's intense, it's brutal, and you're down there in the pits battling for attention.  In fact, it's like a bunch of dogs running up a pile of raw meat.  BUT... that's where your customers are - especially newbies, because there's plenty of those there too (trust me).  It's definitely a thick, rich vein of ore in which you can mine for gold.

Everyone's always looking for new places to advertise and new ways to get their message before potential customers/recruits.  Well this is it, I can assure of  that.  But there's a couple of 'problems' that I'd like to warn you about:

1)  Your inbox will get bombarded with 'hello' messages from those who always mail to new profiles.  Expect it.  But that's a good thing.  If you dive into MyNetworkworking Pro, then your sole purpose is to make contact with as many fellow marketers as possible - on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.  Respond to every email with a professional, easy-going style and include a link (or signature line) to whatever it is you want them to see.  Do this in a robotic fashion, on a daily basis, and you will get referrals sooner or later.  It's a mathematical certainty.

2)  The Free account doesn't get you very far.  Yeah, yeah... nobody wants to spend any money.  Well I'm here to tell you that you have to spend some to get some.  Anyway, it's Free to set up your profile, so you might as well do that.  But the upgrade gives you unlimited internal messages (which is what you're after) and ads that get shown to other members - and the membership is in the hundreds of thousands.  Naturally, it has an MLM-style affiliate plan too.

Anyway, if you're looking for new ideas, if you're 'stuck', if you need more leads, etc., then this is something you should consider exploring.

MyNetworkworking Pro :  Check it out!